From the dust and rubble of the Fire Services worst day, came the inspiration and drive to develop a practical technology that would assist firefighters in locating each other during a critical incident. Joe Gonzalez, a career firefighter has made it his mission to improve firefighter safety and efficiency through the development of his Illuminated Webbing Technology™.

Joe Gonzalez… a career firefighter in the State of New Jersey, is located in the Oranges or the “urban sprawl of Newark NJ”. As the founder of Creative Safety Concepts (CSC Group LLC), Joe has dedicated his energies to developing and manufacturing cost effective lifesaving technologies that will assist firefighters and emergency responders with being visible amongst each other during critical incidents where low visibility is a complicating hazard. Joe’s efforts in developing his patented Glo-Jo technology has spanned a decade, involving comprehensive research and development that ranges from physiological studies of the human eye, to reviewing US Military applications of various illumination technologies. Professional experience and personal commitment motivate CSC Group LLC to develop products that offer firefighters and emergency responders the invaluable benefits of Enhanced Positional Awareness©. Some experiences that Joe draws from have not only impacted him on a personal level, but have also impacted the history of the fire service forever.
On September 11th 2001 and the fateful days thereafter which involved search and rescue efforts, Joe was part of a 5 man USAR team that was lead by FDNY Lieutenant James T. Cooney (now retired). This team acted as a support extension of FEMA search teams operating above and below the pile. Along with his team members, Joe searched on and off for 5 days; from September 12th 2001 0545hrs to Sunday September 16th 2001 0730hrs. During Joe’s time there, he accepted working in “areas of risk”, or unknown collapse hazards; as it was worth the gamble in hopes of locating survivors. After 5 days of search efforts, his team and others were called off the pile for heavy equipment and steal removal. On Sunday September 16th 2001 at 0730 hrs, Joe left the pile and headed back home to New Jersey. Still to this day Joe has not returned to the WTC site. Just as many, Joe left frustrated knowing he could not succeed in finding those he knew were lost. In the days, weeks, and months to come, Joe became aware of 3 colleagues and friends who died in the collapse; one of which was Joe’s Mentor and Professor from Seton Hall University, Inspector Anthony Infante Jr. of the Port Authority Police Department.